How to build the stance: Always set a reference point

Is there any way to achieve a stable stance that is repeatable all the time?

To achieve a repeatable stance, adopt a routine that always keeps the distance between the cue ball and your body constant.

Have you ever heard of snooker stance building?

Snooker is a popular sport in the UK and other countries.

The top players make millions.

The snooker table is larger than pocket billiards, but the pockets and balls are smaller than in pocket billiards.

One of the characteristics of the game is that it requires accurate placement.

Therefore, the accuracy of stance in snooker is very important, and it takes a distinctive stance .
In snooker, you go to hold the cue at four points on your body.

In addition to the grip and bridge, the cue is brought into contact with the four points of the body: the chin and right chest, to keep the cue down.

This is different from the stance in pocket billiards, where you are relatively relaxed and secure your pocket.

Therefore, the stance in snooker is a stance with zero play.

Focusing only on the upper body, the cue is always placed on a specific part of the body each time, so the stance is repeatable each time.

As long as you keep the four points in check, you will be able to perform the same stance every time, even if you are not feeling well.

This reproducibility allows the player to maintain a high level of shooting accuracy.
But what about in pocket billiards?

You don’t have to follow the same stance as in pocket billiards.

This is because it is too hard. And if you don’t have enough space in your body, your stroke will be limited and you won’t be able to make a powerful cue.

However, because of this, pocket billiards stance has its weak points.

Unlike snooker, you can’t have the same stance every time.

As a result, there are waves of good days and bad days depending on the day.
Isn’t there a way to solve this problem?

Yes, there is!

Adopt the following stance building techniques.

You can do this by incorporating a standard into your pocket billiards stance that will never change every time.

It is to make sure that the distance between the cue ball and your body is always constant.
How exactly can you do this?

Place the cue on the address line. The right hand is gripping the cue and the tap on the end of the cue is just close to the cue ball.

Your right hand should be around your side above your right hip.
This is the starting point each time.

Next, without moving this cue, take a step forward with your left foot and open the toes of your right foot to 90 degrees.

Then, slide the left half of your body forward onto the table.

Then slide the left half of your body forward onto the table. Specifically, bring your left hand along the cue and bring the left half of your body forward until your left hand is on the table, where you will stance a bridge.

The important thing to remember at this point is not to move the cue in line with the address line.

While the cue remains fixed, go to align your body with the cue.
This will naturally take your stance.

The advantage of this routine is that the distance between the cue and your body is always the same.

In pocket billiards, a common way to address the cue is to step on the address line with your right foot.

The cue is squeezed in the air, and then the cue is adjusted to the address line.

Most professionals do this. Most pros do this, and most amateurs, from beginner to advanced, do this as well.

But wait a minute.

If you’re a pro or an advanced player, you’ve played a lot of balls and you know how to keep the distance between the cue ball and your body.

Therefore, they will not have any problems with this type of address.

However, beginners and intermediates, who have not yet had enough experience with the cue ball, may find it difficult to address the cue ball in this way.

The distance between the cue ball and the body will be different every time.

In some cases, the distance between the cue ball and the body is too long, so the body is leaning forward, and in other cases, the distance is too short, so the body is stuck in a tight stance.

This is all it takes to make your stance less stable. I can’t reproduce my play, I feel sluggish, and I get discouraged at my inability to play.

Oh, I’m not good at billiards, I don’t have any sense…

No, it’s okay!

This stance of aligning the address line cue and going to align your body with the cue is especially useful for beginners and intermediate players.

This stance is especially useful for beginners and intermediates, and should be practiced many times until it becomes second nature. Do this as a routine, whether you are practicing alone, with a partner, or in a match.

When you can feel the distance between the balls, you can squish the cue in the air and then address it as the pros do.

Create an unchanging standard for your stance !
This was the point of this article.
