Where should I keep my eyes when I shoot?

Have you ever wondered where you should keep your eyes when you shoot?
Where should you put your eyes?

While it is common to repeatedly look at the target ball and the cue ball to confirm the shot, the final major gaze should be on the target ball.

However, there is also a way to place your eyes on the cue ball, or to be aware of the cue ball at the moment the cue tip is about to hit it, while at the same time keeping both the target ball and the pocket in view.

When you shoot, you can’t pocket the target ball if your eyes are closed, right?

In other words, it is important to be sure with your eyes when you shoot.

Where should you place your eyes when you shoot?

The first thing to do when shooting is to start addressing the target ball while looking at it.

Keep your eyes on the target ball as you enter. Do not take your eyes off the target ball until you have finished your stance.

This will greatly increase your chances of getting an accurate address.

As you make your preliminary strokes, look at the target ball, then at the cue ball, and repeat several times.

This seems to be the routine for many players.

The cue point of the cue ball should be pointed at the designated cue point, and the target ball should be pointed at the desired thickness of the cue ball.

Let’s take a look at some of the differences between players.

First of all, most players shoot with their eyes on the target ball.

This is also taught in many billiard books. When you throw a ball in baseball, you look at the person who is going to catch it.

In baseball, we throw the ball while looking at the opponent who will catch it.

The same applies to billiards, where it seems reasonable to throw the ball while keeping an eye on the final destination (target ball).

However, there are some advanced players (SAs) who believe that it is better to shoot while looking at the cue ball at the end.

The moment the tap hits the cue ball is the most important moment, so why look at the target ball instead of the cue ball?

There is another method that is a good mix of 1 and 2 above.

This is a method of shooting with several important points in view.

The important points are the target ball, the cue ball, the pocket, and the geometric line connecting the cue ball, target ball, and pocket.

You don’t have to look at all of these four elements, just vaguely but consciously keep them in your sight.

If you feel any discomfort in your vision at this point, you are almost out of the shot. This is your senses silently telling you that the positional relationship between the cue ball, target ball, and pocket is wrong.

Your senses are silently telling you that there is something wrong with the position of the cue ball, target ball, and pocket. This is also the case when the cue looks crooked. If this is the case, you should take a new stance.

The most important part of the stroke is the moment when the cue tip is about to hit the cue ball, and the small amount of time before and after that.

This is where you need to focus your attention the most. It is only at this point (cue point) that all information is transmitted to the cue ball.

This moment is the most intrinsically important.

This is similar to the second idea above. In this case, however, I do not look at the cue ball. I also look at the target ball, though vaguely. I also feel the position of the pockets.

If you only look at the cue ball, neither the target ball nor the pockets will enter your field of vision or consciousness, and this is not good.
