If you’re having trouble with heads-up, there’s a solution!

Is there any good way to avoid head-up?


Put strength into one part of your body.

This can be locking your head in your neck, putting pressure on your bridge fingers, or putting pressure on both thumbs.
Any one of these can be effective.

It is important that your entire body is relaxed, but if all of your body is relaxed, your body will tend to move, and thus your head will move. Fix it with even a partial effort.


Many people may have trouble with head up.

Those who don’t move it don’t move it at all, but there are those who inevitably move it.

Some people don’t even realize that they have a head-up problem.

Ask people around you, or take a video of yourself.

You may be surprised to find out that you have a lot of heads up.

What’s wrong with heads-up?

In billiards, generally speaking, you are only allowed to move your head below the elbow of your stroke.

As your head and other body parts move, the elbow fulcrum moves, which reduces the accuracy of your stroke and is not good.

Even if you are a head-up person, if you are aware of it, you can control your head-up at the time, but if you are unconsciously following it during play, you will unconsciously head-up.

What should I do?

The answer is to focus on just one part of your body.

This could be your neck, your bridge fingers, or both thumbs.

Any one of them can be effective.

It is fundamentally important that your entire body is relaxed, but if all of your body is relaxed, your body will move more easily, which in turn will make it easier for your head to move.

If even a part of the body is relaxed and fixed, the whole body will also be fixed, and as a result, the tendency of head movement to be fixed will be increased.

To lock the head in place, you need to raise the chin and lock the base of the neck.

However, this is related to the way you aim, so it may not be suitable for players who usually aim by pulling back their chin.

If this is the case, then put some pressure on your bridge fingers and press your fingers firmly against the rasha.

Alternatively, you can put pressure on the toes of both feet.

It’s like a crunch, both toes gripping the ground.

This will effectively stabilize your entire body.

At first glance, it may not seem like there’s any connection between head ups, bridges, or both toes, but think you’ve been duped and give it a try!
