Conditioning for the match 

Conditioning is an important part of preparing for a match.
What should you pay attention to?

The day before match
・Don’t get tired.

During the match
・Continuously eat light meals.
・Food and drink to recover from fatigue and food and drink to be careful with
・Take napping


Now, today is an important game.

We want to get a good result. We want to win.

I’m sure there are many of you who are hoping for that.

By the way, I’d like to ask you, in order to win, of course you’ve adjusted your condition, right?
What? Conditioning? I’ve been practicing a lot.

In fact, I think there are a lot of amateur players who haven’t done any conditioning.

I think professionals do condition themselves in their own way, though.

In order to win a match, the amount of practice before the match is not enough to prepare.

I heard that Bohning starts conditioning himself by going to the gym at least a week before the match, and it’s a lot of work.

In order to maximize what you’ve practiced and acquired on the day of the event, you need to prepare and adjust in advance! 

That’s the message.

You want to be in the best condition for the match.

Also, in a billiards match, you have to wait for each game, and if you win to some extent, you will be at the game site for almost a day.

Naturally, you will get tired.

If you hit the ball when you are tired, you cannot expect to play well.
What should you do?

Here are some tips on how to adjust before and on the day of the match.
About pre-game adjustments

The following three points are important.

As many of you know from experience, lack of sleep is the worst.
Your body and head will be heavy, and you won’t be able to play well at all.

Get a good night’s sleep the day before.
An appropriate amount of sleep is about seven hours.
This varies from person to person, so make sure you get the best amount of sleep for you.

Lack of sleep is bad, but too much sleep is not good either.
In my case, if I sleep for about 10 hours, I feel heavy and dull when I wake up in the morning.
In this regard, I would like you to observe yourself on a daily basis and determine the optimal amount of sleep.

Don’t go into the game tired.
You have a game tomorrow.
There are some people who, because they have not practiced enough, play too hard the day before.

But this is counterproductive.

It will leave you tired the next day and you will not be able to play well.
It is best to leave the ball out of the cue the day before.
Even if you do play, it should be for no more than 30 to an hour.
If you don’t hit the ball for a couple of days, you will feel more refreshed, feel lighter, and be able to play better.

You can also take a bath and use the sauna.
However, there is a misconception that bathing and saunas are exhausting, as the term “bath fatigue” implies.
Sweating alone is enough to drain your energy.

Therefore, it is not a good idea to take a sauna on the day of a game.
Even if you take a bath, it is better to take a quick bath at a relatively warm temperature.
Even on the day before the game, taking a long bath or sauna is not a good idea because it will leave you tired the next day.

There is a professional soccer player who says that he feels better on the day after taking a sauna the day before.
This is because the previous day’s bath or sauna will leave you tired, so the day before is a good idea.

It is best to avoid fatty foods and indigestible meats on the day before and the day of.

If you are young, this may not be a problem since you took the meal a day before, but if you have experienced a heavy stomach, it is better to avoid these meals the day before.
Avoid drinking alcohol as well.
Even a small amount of alcohol is hard on the liver.
If your liver is overloaded, your entire body will feel tired.
Adjustments during the game
The following three points are important

Don’t eat just before a match & eat light meals continuously.
Have you ever had this experience?
When you are called into a game right after eating, your head feels dull and you can’t play as well as you would like.

This happens because your blood is being used for digestion or your blood sugar level has risen, and you are not thinking clearly.
It is best to avoid eating right before a game.
Instead, it is better to eat small amounts of easily digestible foods such as rice balls or nutritional jelly, and eat them continuously.

Going into a match hungry is not good for your brain, but you don’t have to worry about this if you continuously eat small amounts of food.
Eating a banana in between games is also OK.
Athletes often eat bananas, don’t they?
It is effective for quick nutritional support.
Food for recovery from fatigue and foods that require caution
Oranges and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamins and can quickly relieve fatigue.

Japanese sweets such as manju (steamed buns) and sponge cakes are easy to digest and contain moderate amounts of sugar, so they can quickly relieve fatigue in the head.
Bananas are also effective.

However, there are some foods and drinks that you should be careful about.
Don’t drink a lot of juice.

Your blood sugar level will go up at once and you will feel lightheaded.
Drinking too much coffee is also a bad idea.
A cup or so of coffee is good for taking away the drowsiness because the caffeine will help you think clearly, but caffeine has a diuretic effect.
But caffeine is a diuretic, and if you drink too much of it, you will need to go to the bathroom frequently.

However, caffeine has a diuretic effect, and if you drink too much of it, you will need to go to the bathroom frequently, which will lead to dehydration, which is not good for conditioning.

Take a nap, even if it’s only for 10 minutes, in between games.
This will refresh your mind and body more than you think.

Even if you can’t sleep, it is quite effective if you close your eyes and rest as if you were asleep.

Please take care to adjust your conditioning so that you can fully demonstrate the results of your daily practice in the game!
