I want to have some serious fun! What kind of equipment do I need to buy?

If you have been playing billiards for fun, you may want to try playing billiards for real! I want to get better and beat my friends! You want to show your boyfriend or girlfriend how cool you are! If you want to show your boyfriend or girlfriend how cool you are, what should you do?

Buy your own cue!
The best place for billiard supplies
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When you enjoy playing billiards with your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend, you play with the cues that are hanging on the wall of the store, right?

This is called a rental cue or house cue.
On the other hand, as you may have seen, a good billiard player has his own cue.

This is called my cue or private cue.
Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of using a private cue compared to a rental cue at a billiard hall.

Merit 1
Billiards is all about repeatability.
Without a steady stroke, you will not be able to pocket the ball or position the cue ball (the white ball).
There are a number of factors that contribute to a stable stroke, but one of the most important is the performance of the cue.
There are a lot of high performance cues on the market these days, but for beginners, the first thing that is important is not such a high performance (or even expensive!) cue, but an inexpensive cue. But for beginners, the first thing to do is to always play with a cue that has the same characteristics.
For example, let’s consider pocketing the ball.
What do you need?
There are two things you need to know, quite roughly.
The first is to know the thickness of the cue correctly, and the second is to make a straight stroke to get the cue where you want it.
These two points alone are the meaning of having your own cue.
Because when the ball goes in or out, you have to figure out what the cause was, whether it was the thickness or the stroke.
If you are using a cue with different characteristics, such as a loaner cue, you will have one more factor to consider.
The ball went in or out because the cue was good.
If you are using a cue with different characteristics, you will have one more factor to consider: the thickness, the stroke, or the cue.
So, use your own cue.
This way, you don’t have to think about the properties of the cue as you would with a loaner cue, because the cue always has the same properties.
It’s one less parameter to think about, and it’s simpler.
Also, a stroke is a movement of the arm.
And because it is a movement, the muscles, the brain, and the body have to learn the stroke.
This can only be acquired through constant repetitive motion.
With my cue, I can always get a consistent stroke when doing this repetitive motion.
With a lending cue, the cue is different each time, so it is difficult to get a consistent and repeatable stroke.
Especially when you are just starting out, it is important to stick to one cue and let your body learn through repetition.

Merit 2

When you buy a cue, you will probably do a lot of research on your own, and pay attention to the design.
It is a good idea to buy a cue that you think has a cool design.
If the cue is cool, you will want to pick it up again and again, and you will want to visit the billiard room.
It will also make you feel mentally satisfied and more confident in your game.

It costs money.

Cheap ones start at a few thousand yen, but they are only house cues, so you can spend 20,000 to 30,000, or even 50,000 if you are a little more ambitious.
The more expensive ones can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and some of the custom or collectible ones can cost millions.
The higher the price, the better the performance.
You don’t have to pay that much to get a good cue these days.
You can get a good cue without paying that much.

You will need to replace the tap.
When you buy a cue, it comes with a tap, but it will eventually wear out and become thin.
When this happens, you will need to replace the tap.
If you have a favorite billiard hall, you can have them replaced.
However, you will have to pay several thousand yen for the replacement, about 2,000 yen for the tap (there are many cheap ones that cost a few hundred yen), and it may take about a week, depending on the store.
