Remember to control your stroke with the cueing distance.

When using different shots with different strengths and weaknesses, what is the most effective stroke to use?

Control your stroke with the cueing distance (how far you pull the cue in or out).

There are many situations where you may need to cue the ball harder or weaker depending on the playing conditions.

How do you use your strokes in these situations?

When you have to hit a strong ball, you probably increase the cue speed. When you have to hit a weak ball, you probably decrease the cue speed.

Stroking at a higher cue speed has its advantages, but if you stroke at a lower cue speed, you need to be aware of the many disadvantages.

What are the disadvantages?

First of all, by decreasing the cue speed, the cue ball will roll slower, and as a result, it will be subjected to greater friction with the rasha and the target ball. This causes a large amount of so-called “throw”.

This is also the case with the so-called “choro cue” balls.

The greater the throwness, the greater the difficulty of pocketing and cue ball control, since the degree of spin and thickness of the cue ball must be predicted and anticipated.

So what should you do if you want to make a weak shot without reducing the cue speed?
In that case, adjust the cueing distance.

Specifically, shorten the rest length, shorten the cue length, and shorten the cue length without reducing the cue speed.

This will allow you to deal with weak shots without slowing down your cue speed.

This is especially effective for short-range balls where the distance between the cue ball and the target ball is close.

This stroke is especially effective in games like 14-1, where the cue ball is not moved as boldly as in nine-ball.

It can also be used in the mid-range by adjusting the distance of the cue, so give it a try!
