Hit the cue stick firmly and accurately to the targeting point of the cue ball

It is very important to hit the cue stick firmly and accurately to the targeting point of the cue ball. It allows you to maintain the good quality both shooting the object ball and controlling the cue ball.

What does it mean to hit the cue stick firmly and accurately to the targeting point of the cue ball?

When you hit the cue stick to the cue ball, how much attention do you pay to it?

There are a lot of beginners and intermediate players who lose focus the moment when the tip hits the cue ball and don’t pay any more attention.

In other words, some beginners and intermediates have only a rough image of hitting cue points (e.g., top, center, bottom of the cue ball) and just plunge the cue stick into the ball.

However, in this situation, the cue tip does not grip the cue ball properly, and the cue ball rolls in an uncontrollable manner with unexpected following or drawing action of the cue ball. In this situation, you cannot control the cue ball at all.

Again, the important thing is to have the will and the ability to hit the cue stick firmly and accurately to the targeting cue point.

Concretely, be aware when hitting the cue tip to the targeting point of cue ball, the cue stick should promote 1 cm forward after getting the tip griping the targeting point of the cue ball with firmly and accurately.

As a result, this will give you a comfortable and solid reaction in your grip hand when the cue striking the cue ball, and the cue ball will roll with better quality.

In addition to the above, it is also important to be aware of the cue points between the top and middle, and between the middle and bottom, rather than just vaguely hitting the top, middle, or bottom of the cue ball.

Such the cue point will produce a controlled ball action because excessive following or drawing of the cue ball are avoided in such intermediate targeting point of the cue ball.

When you can do this, the quality of your shooting and the controlling your cue ball will increase dramatically.

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